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Special Offers

Find here our special offers!

Discover unbeatable prices on our website. Explore our exclusive offers and secure your luxury getaway at incredible rates. Don't miss out, book now and experience the epitome of luxury without breaking the bank.

Book 4 or more Nights & get Free Transfer in & out!

  • Book now your room at Kalisti Hotel & Suites for minimum 4 nights and get free 2-way transfer (port or airport) to/ from the hotel!

-40% Discount on Non-refundable Basis!

  • Book today through our website any non-refundable rate and get up to -40% discount. Get additional free 2-way transfer for minimum 4 nights stay!

Smart Guest -17%

  • Become a member to our loyalty club and get extra -17% off on your room rate!
Web Checkin